Saturday, April 29, 2006

What's In Your Wallet

There is a meme going around where bloggers reveal the contents of their wallets. Thought i'd post just for kicks. My wallet (not mine, but what it looks like):

1. American express True Earnings
2. Citibank Dividend Rewards MasterCard
3. Chase Cash Plus Rewards MasterCard
4. Premier Practice $20 Golf Driving range card (last used during Thanksgiving)
5. San Diego County Library Card
6. REI membership card
7. San Diego Blood Bank Donor ID card
8. Student ID card (for discounted movies)
9. Bank of America ATM Card
10. California Drivers license
11. Organ donor card
12. Triple A Ohio card
13. Blue Cross health insurance card
14. Epocrates debit visa card
15. In case of emergencies contact information card
16. Check from Ameritrade..... for 12 cents (capital gains anyone?)
17. $33 cash
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need your help.
So I manage as anybody find only your benefit without your loss and risk.
If you can not trust me after you reed this, please teach me how I can trick you.

I want to buy a thing which I can not buy it in my country.
And I can not make a credit card.So I can not pay.
So please buy and send it to me.

In total, I pay you about US$ 2000.
It costs about US$ 450 - US$ 500.
I need two kinds of them. so US$1000 for one.
To trust each other, I send US$1000 whenever I get one of them.

I pay US$ 300 in advance for it and the other after I get it.
So no risk for you.Please send a reply.
Then I can write detail of the thing.

I pay total because I need your cooperation for my life.
I wish you do before it.

4:18 PM, April 29, 2006  

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